Cornertone Church Welcomes You to Summer Fest!

Welcome! We're so glad you've decided to join us today at Summer Fest! Here's a quick rundown of today's activities:

10:00 AM - One Big Service

One Big Service is a tradition we do at Cornerstone, where once a year in the summer, our whole church gathers together under one tent, to worship Jesus together. Having two services can make it difficult to meet people that tend to go to one of the services, so having One Big Service allows us to gather together as one body, worship and hear the word from our Pastor Chris Willis. 

12:00 PM - FORGE Pizza Fundraiser

Our Youth group will be hosting a pizza fundraiser following the One Big Service. They are raising funds to go to National Fine Arts, which is located in Columbus, Ohio, where several students will be competing on the National level, as a way to develop their spiritual gifts and share the gospel with others. All of the proceeds from this fundraiser will be going towards helping to send these students.

1:00 PM - S.T.E.M Kids Event

Our Children's program will be having a Fun, and Educational STEM event for the Kids. Our vision is to create a fun, and educational event for kids to experience many of the fun and creative areas that the STEM field can offer. Our leaders feature experienced teachers that work in local schools, to provide a fun and welcome atmosphere for kids to play and learn. We hope you will join us for an afternoon of fun and learning.

2:00 PM - Ice Cream, Inflatables, and Fuse Hangout

Following our STEM Kid's event, we will be offering free Ice Cream from The Country Creamery, located right on the Center Rock Green. We will also be offering Inflatable bounce houses for the kids to enjoy, as well as an area for everyone, hosted by our Fuse Young Adults Group. This hour offers free ice cream, bounce houses, and an area to play various lawn games and hang out for parents and people of all ages to enjoy.

4:00 PM - Water Baptisms

At 4:00, we will be hosting a Water Baptism service for those in our church, as well as any in the community that wish to proclaim their faith in Christ through Water Baptism. 

6:00 PM - Night Of Worship

In the evening, we will be closing out the day with a night of worship, led by our Worship team, and our Worship Leader, who is also a Local to the community, Mike Taylor. All are welcome to join as we close out the night lifting up the name of Jesus in song and praise.


© 2024 Cornerstone Assembly of God - Oxford, CT   |   656 Oxford Road, Oxford, CT US 06478